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Li Fang-Kuei Book Awards in Linguistics

To commemorate the late Professor Li Fang-Kuei for his contributions to Chinese linguistics and to encourage research among junior scholars in the field of Chinese linguistics, the Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics (hereafter, LFKS), since 2006, has established special Li Fang-Kuei Book Awards in Linguistics, offering prizes to outstanding publications that have appeared within the last three years.

Recipients of Li Fang-Kuei Book Awards in Linguistics

The application and selection procedures are as follows:

I. Scholars world-wide who work in Chinese linguistics and who, by the deadline of application (see III below), hold a rank below full Professor (or its equivalent) and are at the age of 45 or below, are invited to compete for the Awards.

II. Competitions are held annually. Interested participants should submit the following to the LFKS by March 1 of every year.
(1) A book that is published not more than THREE years before submission, and an English or Chinese abstract of not more than two thousand words;
(2) Detailed CV, including names of two referees. (No recommendation letters are required. The LFKS may choose to consult the referees at its discretion.)

III. Three Awards may be given a year: ONE Gold Award with a check of US $1,000 and TWO Silver Awards, each with US $500. If there is no winner for the Gold Award in a particular year, LFKS may choose to give more than two Silver Awards.

IV. All submissions are to be reviewed by specialists invited by the LFKS and the final selections are to be decided on by members of the Executive Committee. Criteria for selections include originality of research and contribution of the publication to the field. For the current Executive Committee membership, see the relevant section at lfksociety.org. Selection results will be announced in the LFKS website and the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics at the end of the following year. Awards will be given out at the same time.

V. Submissions (CV and the e-copy of the book) are to be sent to: book@lfksociety.org.





一、 本獎之獎勵對象爲任何地區研究中國語言學之學人,職稱須在正教授(或同等職稱)以下,年齡45歳或以下。。

二、 本獎每年評審一次。凡有意申請者,將下列文件於每年三月一日送達本會。

三、 本獎每次頒發三名:特優獎一名,發給美金一千元;優等獎兩名,發給美金五百元;如特優獎無合格人選時,本會得酌量增加優等獎之名額。

四、 本獎之評審,由本會聘請專家擔任,最後由本會執行委員會投票決定。評審重點主要包括研究的原創性和著作在學術界的貢獻。本年度執行委員名單,請參看本會網頁lfksociety.org有關部份。評審結果將於次年年底發表,並一次給獎。

五、 申請文件(履歷書及論著電子本)請電郵至:book@lfksociety.org。