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To submit a manuscript for review, please send it to bcl@lfksociety.org.

The Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics 紀念李方桂先生中國語言學研究學會, named in honor of a consummate scholar who made monumental contributions in Chinese, Tibetan, Tai and American Indian linguistics, was established in Seattle on October 1, 2003 by a group including Prof. Li Fang-Kuei’s family members, former students, friends, colleagues, and admirers. The goal of the Society is to further Prof. Li’s legacy by supporting and encouraging the highest standards of research and scholarship in the academic discipline of Chinese linguistics throughout the world.

Professor Li’s contribution to linguistics is global and many-faceted. His keen insight, great intellect, and profound knowledge as conveyed through his writings have influenced directly or indirectly all subsequent generations of scholars working in the areas in which he excelled. In appreciation of his contribution to the academic community worldwide, the Society launched its flagship journal, Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 《中國語言學集刊》, in May 2006 as a permanent tribute to him.

The Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics has been published by the Center for Chinese Linguistics of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with the exception of Volumes 2, 3 and 4, which were published by the Zhonghua Bookstore. Beginning in 2015, publication has shifted to Brill under the editorial direction of the Society and with ongoing support from the Center for Chinese Linguistics. The Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics plays a vital role in the Society’s mission to foster high-quality research in Chinese linguistics and related fields. Published biannually, the journal provides a global forum for scholarly exchanges to continue the great tradition embodied and fostered by Professor Li, and to shed new light and explore new horizons in historical-comparative linguistics and dialectology. All articles are peer-reviewed and are published in either English or Chinese.


「紀念李方桂先生中國語言學研究學會」由李方桂先生的家屬以及門生故舊共同捐資,於2003年10月1日在美國西雅圖設立,以紀念這位對於漢語、藏語、台語和美洲印第安語有著劃時代貢獻的語言學大師。 學會的宗旨,在贊助國際間最高水準的中國語言學研究,藉此發揚李先生的學術精神。 李先生在語言學上的貢獻是多方面的。他著作中所深蘊的高瞻遠矚與精深博大,直接間接地影響了後世學者。

為表彰他世界性的學術貢獻,學會於2006年5月創辦了代表刊物《中國語言學集刊》(Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics),作為對李先生的永久紀念。

除第二、三、四期由中華書局出版外,《中國語言學集刊》一向由香港科技大學中國語言學研究中心出版。自2015年起,改由學會主編、中心協辦,Brill 公司出版。在學會促進中國語言學及相關領域高品質研究的任務之中,《中國語言學集刊》的角色舉足輕重。為傳承經驗、共享新知和尖端探索,這個期刊提供一個世界級的學術論壇,刊登與中國語言相關的研究論文,尤以歷史比較與方言研究為其重點。《集刊》年出兩期,接受中文和英文稿件,所刊登論文均先經過同儕審查。