The International Conference Celebrating The Publication of the Complete Works of Li Fang-Kuei and The Publication of the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics
To celebrate the publication of the Complete Works of Li Fang-Kuei and the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, a special international conference was held on May 30-31, 2006, in Taipei. The conference was hosted and sponsored by the Institute of Linguistics of the Academia Sinica, the Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics, Tsinghua University, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. More than fifty scholars took part in the celebration, including those from China mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Canada and France. Members of Professor Li’s family were also present at the event. Special tributes were made during the opening and closing sessions by Professors Cheng Chin-Chuan, H. Samuel Cheung, Dai Qingxia, Paul Jen-Kuei Li, Peter Li, Sun Hongkai, Ting Pang-Hsin, Wang Qilong, and William S.-Y. Wang. While some recounted fond memories of studying under Professor Li’s tutelage, and others acknowledged the immense contribution that Professor Li made to the study of Sinitic and non-Sinitic languages, they all stressed not only the significance of publishing the Complete Works as a means to access his wide range of knowledge, but also the need to continue and build on his tradition of fine scholarship. Special announcements were made about the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics (BCL), a joint publication by the Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics and the Centre for Chinese Linguistics of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. BCL publishes research in Chinese linguistics with a special focus on historical comparative study and dialectal research. Its areas of interest also include Sino-Tibetan and other languages related to Chinese. This thematic focus reflects the spirit of Professor Li’s own research, and aims to promote a healthy course of development that Chinese linguistics will take in the future. The publication received zealous blessings from all those who were present at the Conference.
Papers presented at the two-day conference included those by Chang Song Hing, Cheng Tsai-Fa, Cheng Chin-Chuan, H. Samuel Cheung, Dai Qingxia, Endo Mitsuaki, Gong Hwang-Cherng, Hirayama Hisao, Ho Dah-An, Ray Iwata, Jiang Shaoyu, Li Lan, Paul Jen-Kuei Li, Mei Tsu-Lin, Pan Wuyun, Alain Peyraube, Shen Zhongwei, Sun Chaofen, Sun Hongkai, Sun Jingtao, Ken-ichi Takashima, Ting Pang-Hsin, Wang Qilong, Wei Pei-Chuan, Yang Hsiu-Fang, Anne O. Yue, Zhang Min, and Zhu Xiaonong. Dr. Chen Shu-Fen, of Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, received the First Li Fang-Kuei Book Award, for her work titled Rendition Techniques in the Chinese Translation of Three Sanskrit Buddhist Scriptures (Cambridge Buddhist Institute Series 1; Devon: Harding Simpole Publishing, 2004).
慶祝《李方桂全集》出版及《中國語言學集刊》出版國際學術會議 在臺北中研院舉行
兩天會議的重心是報告論文,報告者有丁邦新、王啟龍、貝羅貝、平山久雄、朱曉農、孫宏開、孫朝奮、孫景濤、李壬癸、李藍、遠藤光曉、何大安、余靄芹、沈鍾偉、張雙慶、張洪年、張敏、楊秀芳、鄭再發、鄭錦全、岩田禮、高嶋謙一、梅祖麟、龔煌城、蔣紹愚、潘悟雲、魏培泉、戴慶廈。大會最後舉行了「李方桂語言學論著獎」首屆頒獎典禮。獲獎論著為臺灣元智大學陳淑芬博士的 Rendition Techniques in the Chinese Translation of three Sanskrit Buddhist Scriptures《三種梵文佛典的漢譯技巧》(Cambridge Buddhist Institute Series 1; Devon: Harding Simpole Publishing, 2004)。