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Style Sheet for Bulletin of Chinese Liguistics

The BULLETIN OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS is a joint publication by the Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics and the Center for Chinese Linguistics, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The Bulletin publishes research in Chinese linguistics with a special focus on historical comparative study and dialectal research. Its areas of interests also include Sino-Tibetan and other languages related to Chinese.

The BULLETIN OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS is published as one volume of two issues per year. It does not accept articles that have already been published, or that are being simultaneously submitted to other publications. Submissions must be typed, using either Mac or Microsoft Word 6.0 (or later versions). The Bulletin publishes articles in both English and Chinese. Manuscripts should be single-spaced. Chinese-language manuscripts should be typed using the “Big 5” encoding mode and traditional Chinese characters. Each manuscript should be accompanied by both a Chinese abstract and an English abstract, together with key words. Upon receipt, the manuscript is immediately sent out for review. After a manuscript has been published, the author will receive twenty offprints of the article and also one copy of the Bulletin in which the article appears. (Honoraria are not available.)

Two sets of manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format (WORD and PDF) to bcl@lfksociety.org. Information such as the author’s name, affiliation, and acknowledgements if any, should be included in the WORD version and omitted in the PDF version.

Initial submissions need not conform to the style sheet requirements. After an article has been accepted for publication, however, it has to be revised to so conform. The BULLETIN of CHINESE LINGUISTICS style sheet generally follows that for the journal Language and Linguistics published by Academia Sinica. Special attention should be paid to the following.

1. Begin article sections with “1” (not zero). Order the sections as follows:

2. Order examples like this:
(2)       a.
           a’. (Use the “straight” quote [‘] rather than a “smart” quote [‘] or [’] to indicate “prime”.)
Give examples consecutive numbers continuing throughout the document; do not renumber from “(1)” for each section of the article.

3. Use footnotes (not endnotes). An asterisk (*) at the end of the article title will refer to a footnote for acknowledgments; thereafter, all footnotes will be in an uninterrupted, numeric sequence, beginning with “1”.

4. Times New Roman is the working font for journal articles, with italic and bold styles reserved for special marking. Romanization for Chinese examples should follow pinyin. A proliferation of fonts in a document should be avoided.

5. Citation formats:
As part of a running text: author (year), or author (yearpage)
E.g., Smith (1984), Jones (1999:123)
As a parenthetic note: (author year), or (author yearpage)
E.g., (Smith 1984), (Jones 1999:123)
In general, avoid using titles, such as Dr.Professor, or Chairman, and self-referring expressions, such as Ithe author, or “in Chan Tai Ming (1990), I propose….”

6. Sample references.
Anonymous. 1878-79. Tonic and vocal modification in the Foochow dialect.
 Review 7:182-187.
Baxter, W. H. III. 1977. Old Chinese Origins of the Chinese Chongniu Doublets:
      A Study Using Multiple Character Readings
. Ph.D. dissertation, Ithaca: Cornell University.
Chomsky, Noam. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Cowen, William, Michael K. Foster, and Konrad Koerner. (eds.) 1986. New Perspectives
      in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary
(Ottawa, 1-3 October 1984). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Mattos, Gilbert L. 1988. The Stone Drums of Ch’inMonumenta Serica Monograph
      Series 19. Nettetal: Steyler Verla-wort und Werk.
Norman, Jerry. 1991. The Min dialects in historical perspective. Languages and Dialects
      of China
, ed. by William S.-Y. Wang, 325-360. Journal of Chinese Linguistics
      Monograph Series Number 3.
Peyraube, Alain. 1988. Syntaxe Diachronique du Chinois: Évolution des Constructions
      Datives du XIVe Siècle av. J.-C. au XVIIIe Siècle.
 Paris: Collège de France,
      Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises.
丁邦新. 1997.〈漢語詞序問題札記〉,鄭秋豫編《中國境內語言暨語言學》第3輯,
李方桂. 1971.〈上古音研究〉, 《清華學報》新9.1-2:1-61。
梅祖麟. 1988.〈詞尾「底」、「的」的來源〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》
      59.1:141-172。台北: 中央研究院。
裘錫圭. 1988.〈關於殷墟卜辭的命辭是否問句的考察〉,《中國語文》1988.1:1-20。
趙元任. 1928. 《現代吳語的研究》。北京:清華學校研究院。
趙元任、丁聲樹、楊時逢、吳宗濟、董同龢. 1948. 《湖北方言調查報告》,中央
賴惟勤. 1958.〈中古中國語の內外について〉,《お茶の水女子大學人文科學紀要》
魏培泉. 1990.《漢魏六朝稱代詞研究》,國立臺灣大學博士論文

Format for English manuscripts which involve citations from non-English sources:

Chao, Yuen Ren. 趙元任. 1928.《現代吳語的研究》。北京:清華學校研究院。
Li, Rong 李榮. 1956. 《切韵音系》。北京:科學出版社。
Ōta, Tatsuo. 太田辰夫. 1958.《中國語歷史文法》。東京:江南書院。
Yakhontov, S. E. Яхонтов, Сергeй Евгеньевич. 1965. Древнекитайский язык. Mockвa:
      Издательство Наука.

Format for Chinese manuscripts which involve citations from works written in different languages by the same author:

趙元任. 1928.《現代吳語的研究》。北京:清華學校研究院。
      Chao Yuen Ren. 1968. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University
                          of California Press.




《中國語言學集刊》為半年期刊。已發表或兩投之文稿恕不接受。稿件必須以中文或英文(單行)電腦繕寫(Word 6.0以上,中文請用繁體字及Big-5碼)。 文稿須附中、英文提要及關鍵詞。文稿收悉,即送外審。凡經審查通過刊載之文稿,將致贈抽印本二十冊及發表期刊一本,不另致酬。

兩份稿件須以電子郵件附件(WORD 及 PDF 格式)的方式寄至bcl@lfksociety.org。其中 WORD 文件包括作者姓名、工作單位、謝啟,PDF 文件則不列作者姓名、工作單位、謝啟。


1. 節次從1開始,節中小節次第如下:

2. 舉例編號形式如下:
(2) a.

3. 腳註在當頁下,通篇腳註,編號順序排列。謝啟置於所有腳註之前;並於篇題之後另標星號(*)註明。

4. 中文字體請用新細明體,如需強調則用標楷體。中文例子請用拼音拼寫。如非必要,請勿雜用各種字體。

5. 徵引形式為 “丁邦新 (1997)”;凡引述原文時,引文後需加徵引形式,兼附頁碼,如 “(丁邦新1997:158)”。“先生”、“師”、“博士”、“主任” 等稱謂,如非必要,一律請免。引用自己著作時,請儘量避免使用自我指稱詞語,如“我”、“作者”、“在陳大明(1990),我已經指出…”等等。

6. 徵引文獻一律稱 “引用文獻”,範例如下:

Anonymous. 1878-79. Tonic and vocal modification in the Foochow dialect.
      China Review 7:182-187.
Baxter, W. H. III. 1977. Old Chinese Origins of the Chinese Chongniu Doublets:
      A Study Using Multiple Character Readings. Ph.D. dissertation, Ithaca:
      Cornell University.
Chomsky, Noam. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: MIT Press.
      Cowen, William, Michael K. Foster, and Konrad Koerner. (eds.) 1986.
      New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of
      the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1-3 October 1984).
      Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Mattos, Gilbert L. 1988. The Stone Drums of Ch’in. Monumenta Serica
      Monograph Series 19. Nettetal: Steyler Verla-wort und Werk.
Norman, Jerry. 1991. The Min dialects in historical perspective. Languages and
      Dialects of China, ed. by William S.-Y. Wang, 325-360. Journal of
      Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series Number 3.
Peyraube, Alain. 1988. Syntaxe Diachronique du Chinois: Évolution des
      Constructions Datives du XIVe Siècle av. J.-C. au XVIIIe Siècle. Paris:
      Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises.
丁邦新. 1997.〈漢語詞序問題札記〉,鄭秋豫編《中國境內語言暨語言學》第3輯,
李方桂. 1971.〈上古音研究〉, 《清華學報》新9.1-2:1-61。
梅祖麟. 1988.〈詞尾「底」、「的」的來源〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》
      59.1:141-172。台北: 中央研究院。
裘錫圭. 1988.〈關於殷墟卜辭的命辭是否問句的考察〉,《中國語文》1988.1:1-20。
趙元任. 1928. 《現代吳語的研究》。北京:清華學校研究院。
趙元任、丁聲樹、楊時逢、吳宗濟、董同龢. 1948. 《湖北方言調查報告》,中央
賴惟勤. 1958.〈中古中國語の內外について〉,《お茶の水女子大學人文科學紀要》
魏培泉. 1990.《漢魏六朝稱代詞研究》,國立臺灣大學博士論文。


Chao, Yuen Ren. 趙元任. 1928.《現代吳語的研究》。北京:清華學校研究院。
Li, Rong 李榮. 1956. 《切韵音系》。北京:科學出版社。
Ōta, Tatsuo. 太田辰夫. 1958.《中國語歷史文法》。東京:江南書院。
Yakhontov, S. E. Яхонтов, Сергeй Евгеньевич. 1965. Древнекитайский
      язык. Mockвa: Издательство Наука.


趙元任. 1928.《現代吳語的研究》。北京:清華學校研究院。
      Chao Yuen Ren. 1968. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University
                          of California Press.