LFK Field Work Award
[Recipients of LFK Field Work Award] [Download the application form]
Professor Li Fang-Kuei spent much of his life investigating languages that are near extinction or that are related to Chinese linguistics. Following his footsteps and broadening the scope of investigation, we have established a ‘Field Work Award’ for the investigation of Sinitic and non-Sinitic languages and dialects that relate to Chinese linguistics. One or two awards may be granted per year depending on the quality of the applications.
- Objective:
To encourage scholars and advanced graduate students to carry out field investigations on (a) a Sinitic language or dialect; or (b) a non-Sinitic language or dialect that bears some relationship to Chinese linguistics.
- Objective:
- Requirements:
The target language or dialect to be investigated, or certain aspect(s) of the target language or dialect, should not have been extensively studied before. Investigation of unknown and endangered varieties is particularly encouraged.- The tenure of the Award is for 1.5 to 2 months of investigation in the field or actual location where the target language or dialect is spoken;
- The recipient of the Award, within 1 month of completion of the investigation, must submit a report with receipts for all expenses;
- The recipient of the Award, within 12 months of completion of the investigation, must produce an article on the investigation to be submitted to the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics for consideration of publication.
- Requirements:
- Qualification of the applicant:
- The applicant must belong to a recognized academic institution;
- If the applicant is a graduate student, s/he must work under the supervision of a senior scholar.
- Qualification of the applicant:
- Application procedure:
- An application form may be downloaded here;
- Application must be submitted via email in PDF format to fieldwork@lfksociety.org;
- Application must be accompanied by a detailed budget and 2 letters of recommendation;
- The letters of recommendation must be sent by the referees directly to fieldwork@lfksociety.org;
- The budget must list all items of anticipated expenses relevant to the field investigation, such as transportation fees, food and lodging expenses for 1.5 to 2 months, compensation for the native speaker(s), supplies for field recording, etc. A tape-recorder is not included as applicable expense.
- Application procedure:
- Award amount:
U.S. $2,000 to $2,500 per award depending on the length and quality of the proposed field investigation to be paid in 2 installments: a field advance (2/3 of the total award amount) to cover legitimate expenses for 1.5 to 2 months as described in (4e) and a final award payment (1/3 of the total award amount) upon receipt of an article as specified in (2c).
- Award amount:
- Application Deadline:
The application deadline is March 1 of each year.
- Application Deadline:
- Selection Committee:
The Selection Committee will consist of 3 members, a chair, an expert on Sinitic languages and dialects and an expert on non-Sinitic languages. These may be LFKS Board members or officers or outside scholars. The Selection Committee members will appoint outside reviewers, 2 for each application, in accordance with the type of language or dialect described in the applications. Final decision will be presented by the Selection Committee based on outside reviews to the LFKS Board of Directors for final approval.
- Selection Committee:
- Announcement of Award
Announcement of the Award competition result will be made on the Li Fang-Kuei Society web site and the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics at the end of the year.
- 宗旨:
鼓勵學者和研究生對研究漢語以及和漢語研究有關的非漢語的田野調查。 - 要求:
所確定調查的語言或方言,或者所確定調查的語言或方言的一個方面,應該是尚未深入研究過的。本獎特別鼓勵對未知的或瀕臨消失的語言或方言的研究。- 本獎支持爲期一個半月到兩個月的所確定語言的現地語言調查;
- 得獎者須在調查結束後一個月內提交報告,並附上所有費用收據;
- 得獎者須在調查結束後一年內寫出調查結果的論文,並通過審核後在《中國語言學集刊》發表。
- 申請者資格:
- 申請者必須屬於正式的院校和研究機構。
- 如果申請者是研究生,申請者的工作必須在資深學者指導下進行。
- 申請辦法:
- 申請表可以在此下載;
- 申請表必須以PDF文檔寄至fieldwork@lfksociety.org;
- 申請人必須提交逐項預算和兩封推薦信。
- 推薦信必須由推薦人直接寄至fieldwork@lfksociety.org;
- 預算中必須列出可預見的和田野調查有關的項目,如一個半月到兩個月的交通費、餐費、住宿費、發音人的補貼、以及調查中錄音材料費用等。錄音機不包括在內。
- 獎金:
2,000到2,500美元。具體金額根據所提出的調查的時間和內容而定。獎金分兩次發出。第一部份(獎金的三分之二)用於調查的基本費用(見本條款4e),在調查工作開始之前發出,第二部份(獎金的三分之一)在本會收到論文之後(見本條款2c)發出。 - 申請截止日期:
每年的截止日期是3月1日。 - 評審委員會:
評審委員會由三位成員組成,一位主席,一位漢語和漢語方言專家,一位非漢語專家。成員可以是本學會董事會成員、官員或學會以外的學者。由評審委員會成員指定外部審閱人員。根據申請中提出的調查內容邀請兩位專家審閱。最後評審决定由評審委員會提送LFKS董事會審核通過。 - 本獎公佈辦法:
評審結果將於每年年底在本會網站和《中國語言學集刊》上公佈。 - 本辦法由本會執行委員會訂定,修訂時同。