Preface 緣起
The establishment of the Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics (hereafter LFK Society) as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in 2003 is dedicated to the memory of a great scholar, the late Professor Li Fang-Kuei who, together with the late Professor Chao Yuen Ren, laid the foundation for the development of Chinese linguistics in a broad multidisciplinary context involving not just the historical, comparative study of the Chinese language that includes myriad dialects, the interrelationship of the Chinese language with Classical Tibetan as well as with her neighboring languages such as Tai, but also field investigation of unknown, unfamiliar and endangered languages.
李方桂中國語言學研究學會(以下簡稱「李方桂學會」),為一 501(c)(3)條款的非營利性組織,設立於 2003 年,以紀念故李方桂教授。李先生是一位偉大的學者,他與故趙元任教授共同奠定了中國語言學發展的宏大的基礎,使這門學術不但涵蓋擁有無數方言的漢語的歷史與比較研究,也探討漢語與古典 藏語以及相鄰語言如台語的關係,還擴及到不為人知曉、熟悉或瀕危的語言的田野調查工作。
Great scholarship lies not just in great talent but also in broadness of academic training and interest. Solid scholarship and fertile ideas cannot be cultivated merely through closed-door research and teaching. It is of vital importance for young and old scholars to be in constant interaction with the international academic community, not only in the field of Chinese linguistics but also in interdisciplinary explorations. Furthermore, the tradition of fine scholarship cannot be sustained unless it can continue from one generation to the next. The vision and goal of the LFK Society is not only to build on this outstanding legacy from Professor Li Fang-Kuei but also to bring forth innovative ideas as well as to cultivate future generations to further develop this tradition.
偉大的學術成就,不僅有賴於非凡的天賦,還需有寬廣的學術訓練與熱忱。學殖之厚與識見之睿,亦非閉門造車所能獲就。與國際學術界的持續交流,不僅於中國語言學,且於科際探索,對老少學者們而言,都至關重要。而優良的學術傳統,非經世代傳承,不足以持之久長,亦無庸多言。因此,李方桂學 會的旨趣,非只為徒尊李先生的遺澤,更在啟沃年輕的一代,去進一步發揚傳統。
Goal 宗旨
Among various endeavors to this end, the LFK Society initiated the “Li Fang-Kuei Society Young Scholars Symposium” (henceforth YS Symposium) focused on the comparative, historical and typological study of Chinese, Sino-Tibetan and Tai-Kadai languages with the theme ‘Legacy and Innovation’. Although there are a sizeable number of bright young scholars in various sub-fields of Chinese and Sino-Tibetan as well as TaiKadai linguistics, there are few opportunities for them to gather and share their ideas freely, to forge a sense of common identity and to formulate a vision for the future. To fill this need, the YS Symposium is designed as an international conference that brings together a group of promising young scholars with scholarly potential and leadership talent who are eager to explore and share new ideas, new methodologies, new perspectives and new disciplines through creative interactions, thereby broadening their minds and widening their horizons. The symposium provides a positive academic environment for discussions that will promote mutual respect and understanding.
為達此目的,李方桂學會除致力於多項學術工作外,並以「繼往開來」為主題,聚焦在漢語、漢藏語,與台卡岱語的歷史、比較及類型學研究,創設了「李方桂學會青年學者研討會」(以下簡稱「青年學者研討會」)。這些學術領域儘管有不少出色的年輕學者,可是卻少有可讓他們同冶互契、共擘新猷的機 會。職是之故,青年學者研討會即以國際會議的形式,藉由具激發力的互動,讓具有學術潛力與領袖才能,志在探索新思維、新方法、新觀點、新領域的青年才俊,共聚一堂,以拓展他們的氣度和視野。研討會提供一個積極促進相互尊重和了解的學術環境。
Through this symposium the Society encourages young scholars to continue the Li Fang-Kuei tradition of “gentleman-scholar” with dedication to excellence and integrity in scholarship. It is hoped that the envisaged gathering will provide a platform for these promising young scholars to argue for their own viewpoints but at the same time to engage respectfully with differences of opinion, as well as to foster a spirit of cooperation, mutual support and productive criticism, thereby carrying the torch of the Li Fang-Kuei tradition.
History 歷史
The YS Symposium has been held twice. The First Symposium was hosted by the University of Washington in Seattle in 2013 with 19 young scholars and the Second Symposium was held in 2018 at Academia Sinica, Taipei with 14 young scholars in attendance. The result was a resounding success that drew accolades and requests for continuation of the Symposium series. The Third Symposium will be held in 2022 at Fudan University in Shanghai.
這項研討會已經舉辦過兩屆。第一屆於 2013 年由西雅圖華盛頓大學協辦,共有 19 位青年學者獲邀參加。第二屆於 2018 年在臺北由中央研究院語言學研究所協辦,獲邀參加的青年學者有 14 位。會議贏得各方的讚譽,咸盼能繼續舉辦,為此學會乃籌劃第三屆研討會,將於 2022 年由上海復旦大學協辦。
Selection Procedure 甄選程序
The selection process of young scholars comprises two phases. In the first phase, senior scholars from all over the world in the fields of comparative, historical and typological studies as well as Directors of the LFK Society are invited to make nominations. The nominees, who must be under 40 years old at the time of the YS Symposium, with a doctoral degree in hand and teaching or conducting research at an academic institution, as well as the ability to communicate in Chinese and in English, are expected to have upright character, broadmindedness, leadership ability, respect for different ideas and adherence to academic ethics, in addition to an understanding of Professor Li Fang-Kuei’s spirit as a “gentleman scholar” and of the goals of the YS Symposium.
青年學者的推薦甄選工作分兩階段進行:第一階段由學會董事及世界各地從事歷史、比較、類型學研究的資深學者推薦候選人。候選人需具備以下條件:年齡在四十歲以下,具有博士學位,在學術機構從事教學或研究工作,職級不拘,能以中、英文交流,人品端正,心胸開闊,視野遠大,具備領袖才能,恪 遵學術倫理,善能接納尊重不同的意見。最要者,需仰體李方桂先生的「君子學者」精神,發揚青年學者研討會的宗旨,努力於學術和德操兩方面的不斷精進。
In the second phase, Directors of the LFK Society will select a number of finalists from among the nominees. The selected finalists will be asked to submit a list of their peer reviewed books representative of their work, as well as an abstract of the paper they would present at the Symposium. Based on their submissions, Directors of the LFK Society will select no more than 20 outstanding young scholars from among these finalists to participate in the Symposium. They will be funded largely by the hosting institutions.
本會獲得候選人名單之後,將由董事會進行第二階段甄選。先是從名單中選拔若干名「準青年學者」,獲選者需提交經審查通過的已出版的著書目錄,以及參加此次研討會的論文題目與摘要。董事會將據此再選出二十名以內之「青年學者」,邀請參加第三屆研討會。凡獲邀與會的青年學者,會議將提供食宿 和交通補助。
Selected participants are expected to share their academic interests through presenting research papers from different subdisciplines using an innovative method. They will prepare and submit their papers at least six months before the Symposium. These will be circulated in advance, and each participant will present summaries of some papers other than their own. The emphasis at the Symposium is centered on discussions. Each participant is given sufficient time and no more than six or seven papers are scheduled per day.
與會者需在會期前至少六個月提交自己的論文。爲鼓勵青年學者交換心得,在研討會上並不是由本人宣讀自己的論文,而是由不同領域的其他青年學者發表另一位青年學者的論文大綱。研討會的重心在討論,一天以討論 6-7 篇論文為度,每位參與者都有充分的意見交換時間。
These selected young scholars will be asked to revise their papers after the Symposium and submit them to the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, which will dedicate a special issue to the publication of these papers. All papers must not have been already published or have been submitted simultaneously to other publications.